Sunday, February 1, 2009


Have you ever woken up feeling like you were stepping into a new world or stepping back into your old one? Everybody has at some point in their lives. Dreams are a mystical thing of all sorts and ideas. Nobody can truly explain them. Some people say that a dream unifies the mind, spirit, and body. Many people try to unravel the meaning of dreams. An interesting place that attempts to analyze dreams is Even if you've woken up thinking you didn't dream that night, you did. Everybody dreams whether you believe it or not. It's just that some people remember their dreams more than others or not at all. Technically, according to Wikipedia, dreams are, "Dreams are sequence images, sounds and feelings experienced while sleeping, strongly associated with rapid eye movement." The scientific study of dreams is called Oneirology. You can find out more about it here and here. If you have any interest in why or how you dream, just visit any of the websites listed above. You do it every night, so shouldn't you learn a little about it?


Anonymous said...

Whenever I wake up after a vivid dream, I always wonder why I dreamed about it. I never really understand my dreams. I have heard things about dreams, like if you die in a dream you die in real life, but none of these things seem to be proven or true.

Emily W said...

I did my final english paper about dreams and found it to be really interesting. I talked about dreams and if they pertain to what you have going on subconsciously. I think dreams and all that there is behind them is very interesting and I think that there could be a more research done regarding them.

Kate S said...

I am one of thoes people who can never remeber what they have just dreamed about, or if they dream at all. But I agree, I think its really interesting to think about how dreams affect our day to day life.

Brad Wilson said...

Cool, I did not know the study of dreams had a name. Dreams have many fascinating aspects like lucid dreaming, subconcious connections, and endogenous DMT.