Sunday, February 8, 2009

Burgers, Fries, Chips, and Soda

Do you remember the last meal you ate? If so, what was it composed of? After you've made a mental list of what you consumed, let me ask you, are there any fries on that list? Or hamburgers or hotdogs? Maybe some pizza and soda too? If there are, then have fed your body a plethora of waste that probably provided your body with more than the average of two meals of calories. You can find the 88 most unhealthy foods here. Just take a look at the list and ask yourself whether or not you've eaten any of these products designed and manufactured to meet the glorious needs of your taste buds. Feeding this disgusting, fake food into your body is just asking for an earlier than planned date with death. How can you take a bite into a bigmac, chicken strips, or shove a handful of fries into your mouth without imagining your arteries slowly clogging with every chew and swallow you make. Diets high in trans fat are famous for being the main cause of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It can also cause cancer, obesity, liver dysfunction, and infertility. Do yourself a favor, stop eating junk. Come here for a quick guide on eating healthy.

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