Almost every student at GBN has been talking about snow days for the past week. "A snow day would save my life!" "Everyone! There's going to be a snow day tomorrow! Just don't come to school!" Of course there are also the few kids that run down the halls screaming, "SNOW DAY TOMORROW! WOOHOOO! NO SCHOOL!!!" It's too bad there usually isn't a snow day the next day. Oddly, there was one today. After all the hype and talk about it there finally was one. Students have been checking the weather almost everyday throughout the week hoping to see that glorious announcement of a 13 inch dump of snow overnight. The snow day was a perfect start to an early winter break. Everybody, even the teachers I'm sure, were dreading the last day of school. There's nothing better than a winter break, except a longer one. People were also saying that they didn't want a snow day because we would have to make up the day at the end of the year. First of all they are wrong because we can have up to 2 missed days before they start making it up. Secondly, sometimes a surprise day off is the best thing that can happen to a student or teacher. I'm sure most students would love to have a surprise 3 day weekend, even if they had to make up 1 extra day at the end of the year. For me this snow day is almost perfect. It has prevented me from having that 'last day of school' attitude and not wanting to do any work while also raising my spirits. All I can say is, "I love snow."
I also enjoyed my snow day.
I'm always a person that is hoping for a snow day no matter when it is. It is nice to have a 4 day week and an unsuspected day off is not only fun, but rejuvenating for the body and mind. For me school is very long and a lot of work. So Snow, Snow ,Snow! The only bad thing is having to shovel all the snow before my dad gets home.
Yeah i know exactly what you mean about the pre-break attitude! The last day of school always feels like it goes on for hours. It drags so much. That snow day was perfect timing for a great start to winter break!
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