Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ugh, not another one!

Random nosebleeds may be one of the most inconvenient things ever. I mean you have to tilt your head back, stuff your nose with Kleenex, then go back and clean everything you dripped blood on. Recently, I've been getting nosebleed after another. Luckily, I don't faint at the sight of blood. Never in my life have I got so many in one week. I used to only get one or two nosebleeds a year! I can't even count the amount of nosebleeds I've gotten in the past month. So why do people get random nosebleeds? This website explains simply that dry air can be a main cause of random nosebleeds. Especially in winter when you crank up the heat and fill your house with dry, warm air.
The best way that I've found to stop nosebleeds is to just keep shoving tissue paper into your nose until it's stuffed, but this article gives you some better advice on how to stop them. Basically it tells you to sit down and lean slightly forward so your nose is above your heart. Squeeze the soft portion of your nose right under the bone, and lean forward so that the blood flows out your nose and not down your throat.
If you want to read a little more about nosebleeds, you can look here for some more basics facts about nosebleeds, how to stop them, and how to prevent them from happening in the future. I hope this helped if you're someone like me who gets nosebleeds and just can't stand them. Nobody likes nosebleeds, so take a quick peak at the articles. I'm sure they'll help!

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