Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby Boomers: My Ticket to Welfare

After the second World War there was an unusual increase in birth rates, especially in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. The Baby Boomer generation lasted from 1946 to 1964. In this period of time 76 million American children were born. By now, the Baby Boomer generation is old and ready to retire. The age wave theory suggests that the economy will slow down immensely and the stock market will peak when they start retiring in 2007-2009. This prediction is based on the fact that consumer spending spikes at around age 50. When this happens, my generation and the other middle aged men and women at the time, the X and Y generations, will have to cover the retirement funds for an excessive amount of retired people. No matter where we go, we will have to deal with this issue. Is our generation doomed to be poor at the cost of supporting our elders?
John Gallagher says in The Seattle Times that, "And thanks to near-workaholic habits, they are among the most aggressive, creative and demanding workers on the market." Are we expected to fill this impending gap with our generation? There are so many problems with the issue as a whole I couldn't dlea with them all in this article. I'm not even going to begin to deal with any. Shall we move to Canada? I think not. The same problem arises. As well as in most of the world now. The Baby Boomer generation did the world much good, and bad of course, but the departure of them will do nobody good. Life for the elders of the Baby Boomer generation must've been great, but supporting the Baby Boomers when there arn't enough of us in the first place? Life just isn't fair sometimes. I hope not. If you're interested in the demise of our generation, feel free to check out these websites and articles.
Retirement of baby boomers may reverberate in workplace
No Country for young Men

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Most Important Meal Of The Day

I've always been told that breakfast by far the most important meal of the day, and that I shouldn't ever miss it, but I've been debating whether or not it really does matter if I skip it or just eat a little. I did a quick search on it, and I found that there was scientific proof that breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. This article shows how some Harvard students and a professor experimented on some people on whether eating breakfast affected your health or not. It turned out that the people who didn't eat breakfast were more likely to become obese, develop diabetes, and have a heart attack in the long run. I looked for what a healthy breakfast would be, and I found this site. They also said that eating breakfast in the morning that contains protein and fiber helps you concentrate in school. I think now that I know that breakfast can help you live a healthier life and help with school, I'll be making a conscious effort to eat breakfast as often as I can.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Global Warming

Some people see global warming as the certain apocalypse of the world, while others see it as nothing but a harmless anomaly in recent temperatures. Global warming is the increase in temperatures around the globe since the 20th century. Scientists have recorded that average temperatures have been increasing for the past 100 years, and some believe that it will not stop. If this is true, then Earth and humans are doomed to extinction. Rising temperatures will eventually cause icebergs in the Arctic to melt, which in turn will cause the majority of the earth to flood. The movie "Waterworld" (1995) paints a possible representation of the future earth if global warming persists. The world will be almost absolutely submerged in water, and most of the population will die. There is an ongoing political and public debate about whether or not the issue should be addressed or not, although; most national governments have looked into the issue seriously and are trying to cut down what they think are the main cause of global warming: greenhouse gases. The Kyoto Protocol is a national protocol to help reduce greenhouse gases. I think it's better to be safe than sorry and since there is science behind the theory we should be cautious of the possible global issue. Here is a government climate change website if you are interested in this topic or in helping to reduce greenhouse gases to help the global warming issue.